I had identity server4 and I had to add session management. I upgraded the application version to duende identityserver 6.2. And created a database based on PersistedGrantDbContext
and ConfigurationDbContext
enter image description here
my database asp .NET core identity Users enter image description here
my configurations enter image description here
Now I get a token using connect/token
and the token is valid.
But now sessions are not saved to the ServerSideSessions
and Devices table in the DeviceCodes
How do I add saving sessions and devices into my database?
Do I add management using the interface ISessionManagementService
I advise you to implement your session management logic. Step 1 Create a UserSessions table, then when the user gets an accessToken save the session to that table. Step 2 When you need to delete a session, you give the records from the PersistedGrants table and delete the corresponding sessions. But there is one drawback to this implementation: A user's session will only die when their accessToken expires.