I’m having an issue with one of my dapper calls returning a cursor with all of the column data as null
We have several calls that look identical to this one, which return a list of the provided model. I'm still getting familiar with C#, .Net, and Dapper, so there could be something simple that I'm missing.
Our SQL stored procedure expects:
Procedure ListItemGrid(pUserId in number,
pListType in varchar2,
pSearchTerm in varchar2,
pId in varchar2,
pOut out sys_refcursor
The Dapper call:
public async Task<List<ListItem>> ListItemGrid(string id, string listType = null, string searchTerm = null)
using (var conn = this.GetConnection())
var p = new OracleDynamicParameters();
p.Add("pUserId", value: this.userResolverService.UserId, dbType: OracleDbType.Double, direction: ParameterDirection.Input);
p.Add("pListType", value: listType, dbType: OracleDbType.Varchar2, size: 4000, direction: ParameterDirection.Input);
p.Add("pSearchTerm", value: searchTerm, dbType: OracleDbType.Varchar2, size: 4000, direction: ParameterDirection.Input);
p.Add("pId", value: id, dbType: OracleDbType.Varchar2, size: 4000, direction: ParameterDirection.Input);
var itemList = await conn.QueryAsync<ListItem>("SQL_PKG.ListItemGrid", param: p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
return itemList.AsList();
Where SQL_PKG.ListItemGrid
returns a cursor of the same shape as the ListItem
using System;
using Proj.Name.Infrastructure.DataAccess;
namespace Proj.Name.Models
public class ListItem
public string name { get; set; }
public string other { get; set; }
public string third { get; set; }
Expected: A list of ListItem
with the values from our database.
key: "string value",
keyTwo: "other string value",
{ ... },
{ ... }
Actual: A list of ListItem
with correct length with the keys from ListItem
but null
for every value.
key: null,
keyTwo: null,
{ ... },
{ ... }
Why am I getting null
for all of the values?
After some trial and error, changing:
using System;
using Proj.Name.Infrastructure.DataAccess;
namespace Proj.Name.Models
public class ListItem
public string name { get; set; }
public string other { get; set; }
public string third { get; set; }
to uppercase:
using System;
using Proj.Name.Infrastructure.DataAccess;
namespace Proj.Name.Models
public class ListItem
public string name { get; set; }
public string other { get; set; }
public string third { get; set; }
Fixed my issue.
This is still confusing, as our other models/dapper calls are working and lowercase. If anyone has insight on why this is inconsistent, please let me know.
UPDATE: I did not realize that Column
was provided from a function we had written and was written in a way that was not case-insensitive.