I have a third party add-in. My issue is, it counts the last command bar loaded and if not there, it re-loads it.
I do not want to edit their code as with updates etc., it would need changing every time.
Is there a way I can delete all command bars but one or change the load order to avoid this issue?
Public Sub ABCInitializeAddin()
Dim menuEntries As Integer
Dim lastIndex As Integer
' Get number of menu entries
menuEntries = Application.CommandBars(WorksheetMenuBar).Controls.Count
' Get index of last entry
lastIndex = Application.CommandBars(WorksheetMenuBar).Controls(menuEntries).Index
If Not Application.CommandBars(WorksheetMenuBar).Controls(lastIndex - 1).Caption = ABCMenuEntry Then
' Add main menu entry
Dim ABCMainMenu As CommandBarControl
Set ABCMainMenu = CommandBars(WorksheetMenuBar).Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=lastIndex)
ABCMainMenu.Caption = ABCMenuEntry
End Sub
Sub STDeleteXavex()
Dim menuEntries As Integer
Dim lastIndex As Integer
Dim i As Long
Dim p As Long
Dim count As Long
count = -1
' Get number of menu entries
menuEntries = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls.count
For i = 1 To menuEntries:
If Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls(i).Caption = "&ABC Online" Then count = count + 1
Next i
For p = 1 To count:
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("ABC Online").Delete
Next p
End Sub