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Spring Batch : Write a List to a database table using a custom batch size


I have a Spring Batch job where :

  1. FlatFileItemReader - Reads one row at a time from the file
  2. ItemProcesor - Transforms the row from the file into a List<MyObject> and returns the List. That is, each row in the file is broken down into a List<MyObject> (1 row in file transformed to many output rows).
  3. ItemWriter - Writes the List<MyObject> to a database table. (I used this implementation to unpack the list received from the processor and delegae to a JdbcBatchItemWriter)


  • At point 2) The processor can return a List of 100000 MyObject instances.
  • At point 3), The delegate JdbcBatchItemWriter will end up writing the entire List with 100000 objects to the database.

My question is : The JdbcBatchItemWriter does not allow a custom batch size. For all practical purposes, the batch-size = commit-interval for the step. With this in mind, is there another implementation of an ItemWriter available in Spring Batch that allows writing to the database and allows configurable batch size? If not, how do go about writing a custom writer myself to acheive this?


  • I see no obvious way to set the batch size on the JdbcBatchItemWriter. However, you can extend the writer and use a custom BatchPreparedStatementSetter to specify the batch size. Here is a quick example:

    public class MyCustomWriter<T> extends JdbcBatchItemWriter<T> {
        public void write(List<? extends T> items) throws Exception {
            namedParameterJdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().batchUpdate("your sql", new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {
                public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {
                    // set values on your sql
                public int getBatchSize() {
                    return items.size(); // or any other value you want

    The StagingItemWriter in the samples is an example of how to use a custom BatchPreparedStatementSetter as well.