I am trying to persist a @NodeEntity which has a field of type java.time.ZonedDateTime into my Neo4j database using the Bolt driver, but all I get is this warning message:
org.neo4j.ogm.context.EntityGraphMapper : Unable to process AT on class nz.co.class.project.point.Point. Check the mapping.
I am using the following libraries:
The result is the node entity being saved in the Neo4j database but without the ZonedDateTime attribute.
Am I doing something wrong? It is my understanding that OGM version 3.2.X supports all java dates in "java.time" package.
Here is a working example of the issue:
Edit: The previous answer was not correct, sorry for this. I looked again into our sources because your comment gave me some doubts.
You need to explicitly enable the type conversion (this will get covered in the docs).
For a Spring Boot application you can do this in the application.properties
by adding
And you will see something like
Request: UNWIND {rows} as row CREATE (n:`Point`) SET n=row.props RETURN row.nodeRef as ref, ID(n) as id, {type} as type with params {type=node, rows=[{nodeRef=-2, props={x=14.5, y=43.5, at=2018-06-23T00:00+12:00}}]}
if you set the logging for org.neo4j.ogm to DEBUG.
For Neo4j-OGM the configuration would be
Configuration configuration = new Configuration.Builder()
as described in the documentation.
Why do you have to explicitly enable this? Because we won't destroy and be able to read pre Neo4j-OGM 3.2 users' data in the database by storing the "new" native types instead of the converted values.
Old answer
We haven't yet published the 3.2. documentation, so I link to the sources on GitHub.
The supported temporal types are
but as you can see notZonedDateTime