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How do you use Ruby blocks to conditionally execute something?

I recently purchased the book Seven Languages in Seven Weeks and have been reading through the chapter on Ruby. In the section which introduces blocks (page 40), a code sample is given which illustrates the use of blocks for the purpose of conditionally executing something:

in_case_of_emergency do

def in_case_of_emergency
  yield if emergency?

This code doesn't make much sense to me, and the book doesn't provide much of an explanation. I was wondering if one of you Ruby gurus would mind helping me get my head around this one.

How can you have both a block and a function with the same name? How would you define "emergency?" I can't even create the block in IRB without it complaining:

NoMethodError: undefined method `in_case_of_emergency' for main:Object
    from (irb):1
    from :0

And how would you invoke this code to demonstrate how it works? Thanks!


  • First off: the two are in the wrong order. You need to define in_case_of_emergency first.

    Second: You don't name blocks; therefore, it is incorrect that there are two things named in_case_of_emergency. One is a function definition, while the second is the function invocation of that same function.

    So, step-by-step:

    def emergency?
      return rand(2) == 0

    Let's say you have this function that returns true half the time, and false half the time, randomly. (Boy, that's a lot of emergencies!) Then:

    def in_case_of_emergency
      yield if emergency?

    This defines a function named in_case_of_emergency. When called, it executes yield if emergency?, which is a statement yield modified by the conditional if. This is syntactic sugar for

    if emergency?()

    Note that Ruby does not require brackets for function invocation, thus we can drop them; and if there is only one statement inside an if, you can write it on the same line as above (obviating the need for an end).

    Next, we have a function invocation:

    in_case_of_emergency do

    This calls the function we just defined, in_case_of_emergency, passing it a block to execute. These are the two statements (use_credit_card, panic) that would be executed by yield - but only if the emergency? evaluates to true.

    Does this make more sense now?