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How to run powershell script from .ps1 file?

I'm trying to automate the execution of a simple PS script (to delete a certain .txt file). Obviously, I'm new to powershell :) When I run the code in shell, it works flawless. But when i save the code as a .ps1 and double-click it (or execute it remotely), it just pops up a window and does nothing.

I've tried to save the code as a .bat file and execute it on Windows command line, but it behaves the same: Works by coding directly on prompt, but doesn't Works by executing the .bat file.

$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open('H:\codes\test1.xlsm')
$workSheet = $Workbook.Sheets.Item(2)
$str_name = $WorkSheet.Cells.Item(2,1).Text
Remove-Item -Path "H:\text files\$str_name.txt" -Force

I expected it to work by double-clicking it, just as it does by running in shell, or in the command line, but i can't figure out why it doesn't.


  • Create a batch file which points at your .ps1 file. You may be required to run the batch file with elevated permissions, depending on your access levels (the logged in account will be used for execution).


    Powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File  "C:\Path\script.ps1"

    If this still isn't working, please execute your batch file via CMD (copying the path, wrapped in quotation marks, into CMD) and let me know the response.