Update from 01.2020: It should be fixed with https://github.com/Polymer/lit-element/pull/712
If undefined
returned from render
method of LitElement
during the first render of the component and then lit-html TemplateResult is returned with some css classes (styles are defined in styles
static getter method), these styles are not applied.
There is a simple JSFiddle to reproduce this issue.
If render method returns lit-html TemplateResult after first render of component, then <style>
tag exists in shadow DOM.
If render method returns undefined
after first render, <style>
tag is missed in shadow DOM and never added even if lit-html TemplateResult in next render call.
For Chrome it works fine. The issue reproduces for Safari and Firefox.
UPDATE: It should be fixed with https://github.com/Polymer/lit-element/pull/712
The solutions is to make sure you always return lit-html TemplateResult from render method even if it's empty!
render() {
return html``;
But I don't fully understand why exactly this issue appears? Could somebody clarify?