I am navigating into a view from another view and passing the itemdId as param value to vue router.
I want to be able to call firebase with that itemId so that I can filter the data and the filtered result/data is used in the UI. I am using vuefire
What is happening is that vue starts rendering before the data is available in created() and I see error is the console saying view is referring to undefined property values.
Is there a way to render the view after the data is available?
I have tried the using beforeMount
as well as created
and beforeCreate
See code below:
<h1>{{projects[0].project_name}}</h1> //it says type error. cannot read property project_name of undefined. Sometimes on refresh it works but most times it does not.
Script code below:
let projectsRef = db.ref('projects');
export default {
name: 'ProjectDetailsOpenInvesting',
props: {
data: Object
projects: projectsRef
return {
var that = this;
console.log(this.$route.params.itemid) //this works
this.projects = this.projects.filter(function(p){
return p.project_id == that.$route.params.itemid //this works as well
As you have mentioned, one approach is to fetch after navigation, i.e. fetch the data in the component's created
To do that with vuefire
you need to programatically bind the Realtime Database projectsRef
to the projects
property in your Vue application, as follows:
const itemId = this.$route.params.itemid;
this.$rtdbBind('projects', projectsRef.orderByKey().equalTo(itemId)).then(projects => {
this.projects === projects;
As explained in the API doc:
$rtdbBind returns a Promise that is resolved once the data has been retrieved and synced into the state.
Note that you need to install the rtdbPlugin
plugin: https://vuefire.vuejs.org/api/vuefire.html#rtdbplugin
Also note that instead of filtering the desired project
item in the front-end (with filter(function(p){return p.project_id == that.$route.params.itemid}))
), we filter it in the back-end, at the level of the database (projectsRef.orderByKey().equalTo(itemId)
) which is more efficient and which avoids transmitting the entire set of objects from the back-end to the front-end (and avoids paying for this downloaded volume, see https://firebase.google.com/pricing?authuser=0).