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Jest throwing TypeError : this.inputEl.focus is not a function #1964

Stencil version:


Jest version:

   "jest": "24.8.0"

Current behavior:

I am trying to focus a input element on button click. Which works fine, however upon trying to test the functionality using npm test , jest throws a TypeError saying focus is not a function.

This bug is being repeated for all the manual event invoke like click, blur, focus . Hence the test cases doesn't pass.

Expected behavior:

It should not throw error.

Steps to reproduce: I am providing a related demo code for inspection purpose. Related code:

import { Component, h, Element } from '@stencil/core';

  tag: 'demo-btn',
  styleUrl: 'demo-btn.css',
  shadow: true
export class DemoBtnComponent {
  @Element() el!: HTMLElement;
  private inputEl?: HTMLElement;

  onClick = () => {
    if (this.inputEl) {

  render() {
    return (
      <div class="input-container">
        <input ref={el => this.inputEl = el} type="text" />
        <button onClick={this.onClick}>
          Click Me
import { newSpecPage } from '@stencil/core/testing';
import { DemoBtnComponent } from './demo-btn';

describe('my-component', () => {
  it('should focus input el on btn click', async ()=> {
    const page = await newSpecPage({
      components: [DemoBtnComponent],
      html: '<demo-btn></demo-btn>',

    const btn = page.root.shadowRoot.querySelector('button'); // Throws error after this line
    await page.waitForChanges();
    expect(true).toBeTruthy(); // For sake of completion

Any Help will be appreciated.


  • I Resolved this issue by mocking focus of input element. Below is the code I tried out:

    import { newSpecPage } from '@stencil/core/testing';
    import { DemoBtnComponent } from './demo-btn';
    describe('my-component', () => {
      it('should focus input el on btn click', async ()=> {
        const page = await newSpecPage({
          components: [DemoBtnComponent],
          html: '<demo-btn></demo-btn>',
        /** Mock Input Elements focus function */
        const inputEl = page.root.querySelector('input');
        inputEl.focus = jest.fn();
        const btn = page.root.querySelector('button');
        await page.waitForChanges();

    Closing this issue.