I want to send print Turkish parameter from react-native app to bixolon spp-r310 printer.
My Code is :
async print(BBcolumn, txtObj, isBold, addEnterCount, barcode) {
let txt = null;
let result = ‘’;
let space = ‘’;
try {
txt = txtObj;
} catch (e) {
console.log(‘Print Methot error : ’ + e);
let spaceLen = BBcolumn.Lenght - txt.toString().length;
for (var a = 0; a < spaceLen; a++) {
space += ' ';
if (BBcolumn.TextAlign === ‘right’) {
result = space + txt;
} else if (BBcolumn.TextAlign === ‘left’) {
result = txt + space;
isBold === true ? BluetoothEscposPrinter.setBlob(1) : BluetoothEscposPrinter.setBlob(0);
for (var i = 0; i < addEnterCount; i++) {
result += ‘\r\n’;
if (barcode === true) {
await BluetoothEscposPrinter.printerInit();
await BluetoothEscposPrinter.printerAlign(BluetoothEscposPrinter.ALIGN.CENTER);
await BluetoothEscposPrinter.printBarCode(txtObj.toString(), BluetoothEscposPrinter.BARCODETYPE.CODE128, 3, 70, 0, 2);
await BluetoothEscposPrinter.printerAlign(BluetoothEscposPrinter.ALIGN.LEFT);
await BluetoothEscposPrinter.printText(‘\f’, {});
} else {
// console.log(result);
await BluetoothEscposPrinter.printText(result.replace(‘null’, ‘’),
encoding: ‘CP1254’,
fonttype: 1,
I tried Encoding 1254 and ıso88959-9 and encoding 857(There is not Capital İ therefore It doesn't).
Here is your solution:
await BluetoothEscposPrinter.printText(result.replace('null', ''),
codepage: 25,
encoding: 'windows-1254',
fonttype: 1,
codepage is very important.