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HTML Frameset issues

I have a main page (test3.html) which has a <frameset> with 2 frames;

Now the top frame is an HTML file always.. But the bottom frame can be a PDF (desktop ver) OR HTML (iPad ver) depending on the condition

I know how to detect iPad or Desktop..So my question is not on how to do that..

For the bottom frame, The HTML (iPad) is just going to have 1 link (but that is dynamic). Is it necessary to call that in a frame? i.e. create a separate bottom_frame.html

I mean is there some way by which it can be coded in the same main page (test3.html) and attached to that page? The reason I am not looking for separate page for bottom frame (iPad HTML) is because it will only have 1 link and that would have to dynamically parsed (and I am getting that info in the main page don't want to create a separate page for that again..)

Below is the URL of the main page;


  • Not that I approve of the use of framesets, but you could use a data uri for the lower frame. Something like this:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <frameset rows="121,*" cols="*">
      <frame src="head.html" name="topFrame">
      <frame src="data:text/html;base64,PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+DQo8dGl0bGU+VGVzdCBDYXNlPC90aXRsZT4NCjxkaXY+TG93ZXIgRnJhbWU8L2Rpdj4=" name="bottomFrame">