In C++, I was trying to access the struct members through double pointer headref
as shown below
struct Node{
int data;
struct Node* next;
struct Node* head = new Node;
head->data = 10;
head->next = NULL;
struct Node** headref = &head;
However, accessing as *headref->data
produces errors while casting it ((Node*)*headref)->data
works. Why?
This expression
is equivalent to
*( headref->data )
It is not the same as the valid expression
( *headref )->data
because the data member data
has no pointer type and you may not apply the unary operator * to it.
This expression
is valid not due to the casting. It is valid because if to remove the casting that is redundant you will get the valid edxpression
( /*(Node*)*/ *headref)->data
shown above.