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How to insert textbox value & dxDatagrid all selected value in database on one single button click?

I am having input tag(textbox) and dxDatagrid. I am able to pass all selected value from dxDatagrid to database, but i also want to pass text box(which is outside of grid) value along with it on one button click.

    text: "Test",
    onClick: function () {
        var stones = (JSON.stringify(dataGrid.getSelectedRowsData()));

function updatedetgridReturnShip(stonedetailsarr){
        url: 'php/insertGridReturnShipment.php',
        dataType: 'json',
        type: "POST",
        data: {
            returnstonedetails: stonedetailsarr,
            txtRefnoval : txtRefnoval
        success: function (result) {

PHP Server side code:

$StoneArr = json_decode($returnstonedetails, true);

$updstmt = '';

foreach ($StoneArr as $Stone){
  $textboxval = $_POST['textboxval'];

  $refVal = json_decode($textboxval, true);

  $updstmt .= 'CALL return_ship_stones('.'"'.$Stone["carat"].'"'.',
  '.'"'.$Stone["clarity"].'"'.','.'"'.$Stone["color"].'"'.','.'"'.$Stone["invcno"].'"'.','.'"'.$Stone["invoicedate"].'"'.', '.'"'.$Stone["lab"].'"'.', 
  '.'"'.$Stone["measurement"].'"'.' , '.'"'.$Stone["ppt"].'"'.' , '.'"'.$Stone["qstonesid"].'"'.' , '.'"'.$Stone["qty"].'"'.' ,
  '.'"'.$Stone["reportno"].'"'.' , '.'"'.$Stone["shape"].'"'.' , '.'"'.$Stone["totalvalue"].'"'.', '.'"'.$refVal["referenceid"].'"'.');';

on one single click how to pass both textbox, and dxDatagrid value in database


  • You can use the jquery method to get the value from the text input by id and pass it to ajax data parameter:


    Code Below:

    function updatedetgridReturnShip(stonedetailsarr){
              url: 'php/insertGridReturnShipment.php',
              dataType: 'json',
              type: "POST",
              data: {
                  returnstonedetails: stonedetailsarr,
                  txtRefnoval : txtRefnoval,
                  textboxval: $('#refno').val().trim()
              success: function (result) {

    PHP code:

    $returnstonedetails = $_REQUEST['returnstonedetails'];
    $StoneArr = json_decode($returnstonedetails, true);
    $updstmt = '';
    foreach ($StoneArr as $Stone){
      $textboxval = $_REQUEST['textboxval'];
      $refVal = $textboxval;
      $updstmt .= 'CALL return_ship_stones('.'"'.$Stone["carat"].'"'.',
      '.'"'.$Stone["clarity"].'"'.','.'"'.$Stone["color"].'"'.','.'"'.$Stone["invcno"].'"'.','.'"'.$Stone["invoicedate"].'"'.', '.'"'.$Stone["lab"].'"'.', 
      '.'"'.$Stone["measurement"].'"'.' , '.'"'.$Stone["ppt"].'"'.' , '.'"'.$Stone["qstonesid"].'"'.' , '.'"'.$Stone["qty"].'"'.' ,
      '.'"'.$Stone["reportno"].'"'.' , '.'"'.$Stone["shape"].'"'.' , '.'"'.$Stone["totalvalue"].'"'.', '.'"'.$refVal.'"'.');';