I am running into a problem where two distinct paths are mapping to the same resource. Please let me know why the following 2 paths are mapping to the same path:
get("/test/:idtest/:idsimple", (request, response) -> "");
get("/test/all/:idtest", (request, response) -> "");
Following two call map to the same:
curl -X GET -i http://localhost:4567/test/2/3
curl -X GET -i http://localhost:4567/test/all/5
The reason for these two requests to be mapped to the first route is the order you defined them. Spark Java documentation mentions here that:
Routes are matched in the order they are defined. The first route that matches the request is invoked.
When you call http://localhost:4567/test/2/3
Java Spark would try to match it first with the first route you defined "/test/:idtest/:idsimple"
would be matched to 2
would be matched to 3
When you call http://localhost:4567/test/all/5
Java Spark would try to match it first with the first route you defined again:
would be matched to all
would be matched to 5
So both of them match and therefore mapped to this route.
If you change the order of the routes definitions, then "/test/all/:idtest"
will be the first path to match against and then calling http://localhost:4567/test/all/5
would be mapped to the right route, while calling http://localhost:4567/test/2/3
would fail the first one and would be mapped to the second.