I need your help guys!! This is a tricky java regex issue, been search for a solution for a couple hours... Here it is:
In the following text, I want to match the "boat" word...
I have a boat to sell. It comes with extra boat propellers but does not come with a boat trailer (the boat is pretty big so you might need a boat propeller trailer too). I used to have a bunch of boats but my passion for a boat faded with time. I did not think people would have interest for a bunch of boats but this is my last one, so Yeéé! :)
I got this example setup in regex 101 ( https://regex101.com/r/o6S4SP/22 ) but it's not working properly :-(
PS: I'm using Regex101 for the example but "(SKIP)(FAIL)" is not supported in Java's regex syntax.
Hope anyone could help :-)
You may use the following regex in Java that features a constrained-width lookbehind pattern (supporting limiting quantifiers):
See the Java regex demo online (proof).
In Java,
s = s.replaceAll("(?<!\\bfor\\sa\\s(?:bunch\\sof\\s){0,1})(?:\\bbunch\\s+of\\s+)?\\bboats?\\b(?:\\s+propellers?)?+(?!\\s+trailers?\\b)", "<b>$0</b>");
Regex details
- a negative lookbehind that fails the match if, immediately to the left of the current location, there is
- for
, whitespace, a
, whitespace(?:bunch\sof\s){0,1}
- 0 or 1 occurrences (i.e. an optional occurrence) of bunch
, whitespace, of
, whitespace(?:\bbunch\s+of\s+)?
- an optional occurrence of bunch
, 1+ whitespaces, of
, 1+ whitespaces\bboats?\b
- a whole word boat
or boats
- an optional occurrence of 1+ whitespaces followed with propeller
or propellers
. NOTE: the ?+
possessive quantifier is key here to make the next lookahead only execute after this group pattern.(?!\s+trailers?\b)
- a negative lookahead that fails the match if, immediately to the right of the current location, there is 1+ whitespaces, and then trailer
or trailers
as a whole word.