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How to allow specific words using javax.validation.constraints.Pattern?

I would like to use javax.validation.constraints.Pattern for validation. The text should not be none or others.

Allowed Examples:

  • something
  • word

NOT allowed:

  • none
  • others

I am trying around but I dont catch my issue. Something like:

@Pattern(regexp = "(^none)")
String  countryValue;

Thanks for your hint.

UPDATE: As Anish said with the online regex validator, the regex ^(?!others|none) should be correct. But Spring-MVC still denied. Is there a special syntax to be used? I give more code to have a bigger picture:


public String post(@ModelAttribute @Valid DisclaimerFormDto disclaimerForm, BindingResult errors, ModelMap modelMap) {
    if(errors.hasErrors()) {
        return "redirect:/disclaimer";
    return "redirect:/product";

FormDto (with changes mentioned from Anish):

public class DisclaimerFormDto {
    @Pattern(regexp = "^(?!others|none)")
    String  countryValue;

Output of BindingResult:

Field error in object 'disclaimerFormDto' on field 'countryValue': rejected value [none]; codes [Pattern.disclaimerFormDto.countryValue,Pattern.countryValue,,Pattern]; arguments [ codes [disclaimerFormDto.countryValue,countryValue]; arguments []; default message [countryValue],[Ljavax.validation.constraints.Pattern$Flag;@59374db6,^(?!(none|others)$).*$]; default message [muss auf Ausdruck "^(?!(none|others)$).*$" passen]


  • Try with this :

    // @Pattern(regexp = "^(?!others|none)")
    // updated to take any kind of string to match.
    @Pattern(regexp = "^((?!(none|others)).)*$")  
    private String countryValue;

    Check this regex example here: ^((?!(none|others)).)*$

    Test case 1 : String like "abc"

    Screenshot :

    enter image description here

    Test case 2 : Strings like "abc others", "abc none", "none" or "words"

    enter image description here