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How Pass Generics class as parameter with constraint type methods available

I am still trying to fully understand generics especially when used in conjunction with base classes. I have a generic table class that takes in a derived type of a row class but is constrained to be a base row. Since the base table class is constraint to taking a type base row how can I pass this class with any derived class to be of base row type.

public interface Itable<in TRow>  where TRow : row{
    //*This will not compile with the list of TRow should it be List<row>? If so how do i force that conversion?
    List<TRow> IfindLst();
public abstract class table<TRow> where TRow : row, Itable<row>
    //*This is the list of rows i want to be able to send as their base row 
    public List<TRow> derivedRowLst = new List<TRow>();
    public table()

    public List<row> IfindLst()
       return derivedRowLst;
//Derive instance of base table class
public class tableInstOne : table<rowInstOne>

//Base class for row that all derived rows are guarantee to be of
public abstract class row

public class rowInstOne : row
    public rowInstOne() { }
public class tester
    public static void main()
        Itable<row> tblInstOne = new tableInstOne();
        //*This is what I am trying to figure out how to do get this list of base row class from the base table class. Even though it is stored as List<TRow> or derived row class. 
        List<row> baseLst = tblInstOne.IfindLst();


This does not allow me to send the instantiated table class as having its base guaranteed type. I used to not have the table class as generic and so all rows were just used as base row but this required downcasting at other points in code that I am trying to avoid. Now I don't have to downcast BUT I cannot send this table class with base as a parameter to classes that don't care about the derived row type and only need to utilize the base row functions. Thanks for any help!


  • It is hard to tell exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Perhaps the following code will help. Note that the method IfindLst returns a List<TRow> rather than a List<Row>, which I think may be part of your problem.

    public abstract class Table<TRow> where TRow : Row
        //*This is the list of rows i want to be able to send as their base row 
        public List<TRow> derivedRowLst = new List<TRow>();
        public Table()
        public List<TRow> IfindLst()
           return derivedRowLst;
    //Derive instance of base table class
    public class TableInstOne : Table<RowInstOne>
    //Base class for row that all derived rows are guarantee to be of
    public abstract class Row
    public class RowInstOne : Row
        public RowInstOne() { }
    public static class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Table<RowInstOne> tblInstOne = new TableInstOne();
            //*This is what I am trying to figure out how to do get this list of base row class from the base table class. Even though it is stored as List<TRow> or derived row class. 
            List<Row> baseLst = tblInstOne.IfindLst().OfType<Row>().ToList();
            List<Row> baseLst2 = tblInstOne.IfindLst().ConvertAll(x => (Row)x);
            List<Row> baseLst3 = tblInstOne.IfindLst().Cast<Row>().ToList();
            IEnumerable<Row> baseLst3 = tblInstOne.IfindLst();

    Note on the last line I demonstrate the use of the covariant IEnumerable<T> interface to avoid any casting or runtime type-checking.