I want to implement a spooler/worker class in c++ that has a function to push new tasks into the class to have them executed by a background thread. The task gets appended to a queue and if the worker isn't running it is started.
For better reuse i want to use a variadic template arguments for variadic tasks, but i have trouble formulating the template header.
template <void (*TFunction)(typename ... TParams)> //a parameter pack is not allowed here
class worker
push(TParams... args);
template <typename ... TParams, void (*TFunction)(TParams...)> //template parameter pack not at end of parameter list
class worker
push(TParams... args);
I have two ideas that would work, but i don't like either.
template <typename ... TParams>
class worker
worker(void(*function)(TParams...)): function_(function) { }
push(TParams... args);
const void (*function_)(TParams...);
template <typename ... TParams>
struct variadic
template <void*(TFunction)(TParams...)>
class worker {
push(TParams... args);
Is there a way to accept a function with variadic parameters with a single template header?
Thank you, everyone
With specialization:
template <auto value>
class worker;
template <typename ... TParams, void (*F)(TParams...)>
class worker<F>
void push(TParams... args);