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How to use Rebus data bus attachments with Rebus.Async replies

I'm using Rebus.Async to send a request. Upon receipt, the consumer replies with a large amount of data, which it uploads to Azure Blob Storage using Rebus.AzureBlobs.

The sender receives the reply and attempts to read the attachment. When this happens, Rebus throws an exception:

No message context is available - did you try to open a data bus attachment for reading OUTSIDE of a message handler?

Of course I'm intentionally opening the attachment outside a message handler because I'm using Rebus.Async. However, it seems this isn't supported.

Is there a way to get data bus working with Rebus.Async replies?


  • You should be able to simply pass along the attachment ID (the Id property from the DataBusAttachment returned from CreateAttachment), which you can then

    var dataBus = bus.Advanced.DataBus;
    using (var source = await dataBus.OpenRead(attachmentId))
        // do your thing :)