I have a Note2 that stopped providing proper GPS location information due to the WNRO.
I can see from logging NMEA sentences that a wrong date is delivered, and furthermore that the satfix is lost every couple of seconds/minutes. The Note2 is using a binary proprietary driver (gpsd) by Broadcom to interact with the chip. To see if this can be fixed (as I did on some other devices), I need to know what is responsible in Android to output NMEA sentences.
Are NMEA sentences always output directly by the GPS chip and the respective drivers into a named pipe, or are NMEA sentences generated by the LocationManager-framework/API?
NMEA sentence are generated by the GPS chip and, for example,
through the android.location.GpsStatus.NmeaListener
Used for receiving NMEA sentences from the GPS.
By implementing this interface and calling
LocationManager#addNmeaListener to receive NMEA data from the GPS engine.
Both quotes indicate that the NMEA sentences are not being generated by the Android Location API.
Note: I referenced a deprecated interface (GpsStatus.NmeaListener) since Note2 is an old device and most probably is using it.