I don't know why my code isn't thread-safe, as it outputs some inconsistent results.
value 48
value 49
value 50
value 54
value 51
value 52
value 53
My understanding of an atomic object is it prevents its intermediate state from exposing, so it should solve the problem when one thread is reading it and the other thread is writing it.
I used to think I could use std::atomic without a mutex to solve the multi-threading counter increment problem, and it didn't look like the case.
I probably misunderstood what an atomic object is, Can someone explain?
inc(std::atomic<int>& a)
while (true) {
a = a + 1;
printf("value %d\n", a.load());
std::atomic<int> a(0);
std::thread t1(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t2(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t3(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t4(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t5(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t6(inc, std::ref(a));
return 0;
I used to think I could use std::atomic without a mutex to solve the multi-threading counter increment problem, and it didn't look like the case.
You can, just not the way you have coded it. You have to think about where the atomic accesses occur. Consider this line of code …
a = a + 1;
is fetched atomically. Let's say the value fetched is 50. a
using the =
operator a
ends up being 51a
by calling a.load()
So far so good. But between steps 1 and 3 some other threads may have changed the value of a
- for example to the value 54. So, when step 3 stores 51 into a
it overwrites the value 54 giving you the output you see.
As @Sopel and @Shawn suggest in the comments, you can atomically increment the value in a
using one of the appropriate functions (like fetch_add
) or operator overloads (like operator ++
or operator +=
. See the std::atomic documentation for details
I added steps 5 and 6 above. Those steps can also lead to results that may not look correct.
Between the store at step 3. and the call tp a.load()
at step 5. other threads can modify the contents of a
. After our thread stores 51 in a
at step 3 it may find that a.load()
returns some different number at step 5. Thus the thread that set a
to the value 51 may not pass the value 51 to printf()
Another source of problems is that nothing coordinates the execution of steps 5. and 6. between two threads. So, for example, imagine two threads X and Y running on a single processor. One possible execution order might be this …
from 50 to 51 and getting the value 51 back from a.load()
from 51 to 52 and getting the value 52 back from a.load()
sending 52 to the consoleprintf()
sending 51 to the consoleWe've now printed 52 on the console, followed by 51.
Finally, there's another problem lurking at step 6. because printf()
doesn't make any promises about what happens if two threads call printf()
at the same time (at least I don't think it does).
On a multiprocessor system threads X and Y above might call printf()
at exactly the same moment (or within a few ticks of exactly the same moment) on two different processors. We can't make any prediction about which printf()
output will appear first on the console.
Note The documentation for printf mentions a lock introduced in C++17 "… used to prevent data races when multiple threads read, write, position, or query the position of a stream." In the case of two threads simultaneously contending for that lock we still can't tell which one will win.