I want to reduce a stream to a stream of inner elements of the original stream. It would be the best, if the result is also a Stream. But if it had to be, a List would also work.
A simple example is:
private class container {
containerLevel2 element;
public container(String string) {
element = new containerLevel2(string);
private class containerLevel2 {
String info;
public containerLevel2(String string) {
info = string;
public void test() {
List<container> list = Arrays.asList(new container("green"), new container("yellow"), new container("red"));
> How can i do the following part with Streams? I want something like List<String> result = list.stream()...
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for (container container : list) {
assertTrue(result.equals(Arrays.asList("green", "yellow", "red")));
I hope you can understand my question. Sorry for the bad English and thanks for your answers.
Stream is just a processing notion. You should not store your objects in a stream. So I would prefer collections over streams to store these objects.
Collection<String> result = list.stream()
.map(c -> c.element.info)
A much better approach is to add a new method in your container class that returns the element info as a string and then use that method in your lambda expression. Here's how it looks.
public String getElementInfo() {
return element.info;
Collection<String> result = list.stream()
P.S. Your class names should start with an upper case letter. Please follow standard naming conventions when you name API elements.