How do I use AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) with Node.js? I am building a chatbot using JavaScript and Node.js for which I need AIML. How do i use it? I have tried using the AIML Interpreter but I am facing problems while accessing the AIML libraries and tags in my Server.js file.
hope this would be helpful.
npm install aiml
authorData - (required) message author metadata (name, age, etc.).
message - (required) just message.
callback - (required) classic js callback, nothing special: ).
var aiml = require('aiml')
aiml.parseFile('sample.aiml', function(err, topics){
var engine = new aiml.AiEngine('Default', topics, {name: 'Jonny'});
var responce = engine.reply({name: 'Billy'}, "Hi, dude", function(err, responce){
I assume that you already know basic concepts of AIML and the file structure.