Search code examples

How to sort the earliest time stamp in the list in java?

package collectionCollections;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;

public class TestCollections {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

  String a = "9:50 PM,12:25 PM,3:55 PM,10:15 PM,1:15 PM";
  ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList();
  ArrayList al3 = new ArrayList();
  String arg[] = a.split(",");
  // System.out.println(arg);
  // Collections.sort(list);
  List < String > al = new ArrayList < String > ();
  al = Arrays.asList(arg);
  for (String s: al) {
   al2.add(s.substring(0, 5).replace(':', '.'));
  Iterator li = al2.iterator();
  while (li.hasNext()) {
   String s = (String);
   float no = Float.parseFloat(s);
  int add = 0;
  float ff = 0;
  ListIterator lit = al3.listIterator();
  while (lit.hasNext()) {

   float f = (Float);
   int intno = (int) f;
   if (intno == 12) {
    add = intno;
    ff = f - add;
  al3.add(0, add + ff);

(`I am trying to Sort the below Array list:

my Timestamps = [12:40 PM, 4:00 PM, 7:20 PM, 10:40 PM, 12:00 PM, 3:25 PM, 6:50 PM, 10:15 PM, 6:35 PM, 9:50 PM, 12:20 PM, 3:45 PM, 7:15 PM, 10:40 PM, 11:45 AM, 3:10 PM, 6:35 PM, 10:25 PM, 12:50 PM, 4:10 PM, 7:30 PM, 10:40 PM]

Expected result to display the earliest 11:45 AM in the zeroth index.

I have tried converting above list into integer and when there is unique time (AM/PM)in particular hour(12:35 PM) i was able to sort it but when there are multiple time stamp in particular hour(12:35 PM, 12:05 PM) i am unable to sort.


  • One of the most simple solution for you is the code below with few changes from yours :

    • convert 12:mm AM/PM by 00:mm AM/PM before sorting
    • transform hh:mm AM into and hh:mm into (hh+12).mm
    • sort the list
    • convert into hh:mm AM/PM

      package collectionCollections;
      import java.util.ArrayList;
      import java.util.Arrays;
      import java.util.Collections;
      import java.util.Iterator;
      import java.util.List;
      import java.util.ListIterator;
      import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;
      public class TestCollections {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
          //String a = "9:50 PM,12:25 PM,3:55 PM,10:15 PM,1:15 PM";
          String a = "9:50 PM,12:25 PM,3:55 PM,10:15 PM,1:15 PM,1:00 AM, 12:25 AM, 10:13 AM";
          List<String> al2 = new ArrayList<>();
          List<Float> al3 = new ArrayList<>();
          List<String> al4 = new ArrayList<>(); // list of final results to display
          String arg[] = a.split(",");
          // System.out.println(arg);
          // Collections.sort(list);
          List<String> al = new ArrayList<String>();
          al = Arrays.asList(arg);
          for (String s : al) {
              s  = s.trim(); // remove leading and trailing spaces, otherwise the conversion to float will fail
              s = s.replace("12:", "00:"); // do not forget 12:00 is like 00:00 and 12:00 AM/PM is least than 1:00 AM/PM
              String[] t = s.split(" ");
              String ampm = t[1]; // extract AM/PM
              System.out.println("ampm "+ ampm );
              if( ampm.toUpperCase().equals("PM")) {
                  String h = t[0].split(":")[0]; // extract hours
                  int hh = 12 + Integer.parseInt(h); // add 12 for PM
                  t[0] = t[0].replace(h+":", hh+":");
              al2.add(t[0].replace(":", "."));
          Iterator li = al2.iterator();
          while (li.hasNext()) {
              String s = (String);
              float no = Float.parseFloat(s);
              System.out.println(" s -> no : "+ s +" -> "+ no);
          ListIterator lit = al3.listIterator();
          while (lit.hasNext()) {
              float f = (Float);
              int intno = (int) f;
              if(intno < 12 ) {
                  int hour12 = intno == 0 ? 12 : intno; // replace 00:xx am by 12:xx am
                  al4.add(hour12 +":"+ ((int)((f-intno)*100)) +" AM");
              else {
                  al4.add((intno-12)+":"+ ((int)((f-intno)*100)) +" PM");

    With the list

    String a = "9:50 PM,12:25 PM,3:55 PM,10:15 PM,1:15 PM,1:00 AM, 12:25 AM, 10:13 AM";

    the result is :

    [12:25 AM, 1:0 AM, 10:13 AM, 0:25 PM, 1:14 PM, 3:55 PM, 9:50 PM, 10:14 PM]

    A more efficient code is coming in a later edit.