I was so excited for Christmas that I decide what better way to countdown than create a countdown timer to Christmas. But my countdown does not appear to work.
let targetDate = new Date(null, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0)
let today = new Date()
if (targetDate.getTime() - today.getTime() <= 0) {
targetDate.setFullYear(today.getFullYear() + 1)
let timer = setInterval(() => {
today = new Date()
e = document.getElementById("countdown")
if (targetDate.getTime() - today.getTime() == 0) {
e.innerHTML = "Horray! Merry Christmas, Everyone! Horray!"
} else {
distance = targetDate.getTime() - today.getTime()
days = Math.floor(distance / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
distance -= day * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
hours = Math.floor(distance / (60 * 60 * 1000))
distance -= hours * 60 * 60 * 1000
minutes = Math.floor(distance / (60 * 1000))
distance -= minutes * 60 * 1000
seconds = Math.floor(distance / 1000)
e.innerHTML = days + " d " hours + " h " + minutes + " m " + seconds + " s "
}, 1000)
I have tried console logging the timer value but the code didn't rendered. It appears that the innerHTML code didn't run.
Look at this line
e.innerHTML = days + " d " hours + " h " + mi
it should be
e.innerHTML = days + " d " + hours + " h " + mi