Reference thread, accepted answer Asynchronously wait for Task to complete with timeout
My method UART_receive() returns a string. How do I get the string out of the timeout task?
Right now it obviously doesn't work. Without the timeout task my serial communication works fine.
using System;
using Windows.Storage.Streams; //Uart Seriell
using Windows.Devices.Enumeration; //UART Seriell
using Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication; //UART Seriell
public MainPage()
public async void Serial()
//configure serial setting
//configure serial setting
while (true)
int timeout = 1000;
var task1 = UART_receive();
if (await Task.WhenAny(task1, Task.Delay(timeout)) == task1)
statusbar_main.Text = "ok";
statusbar_main.Text = "not ok";
string rxBuffer = Convert.ToString(task1);
private async Task<string> UART_receive()
const uint maxReadLength = 13;
uint bytesToRead = await dataReader.LoadAsync(maxReadLength);
string rxBuffer = dataReader.ReadString(bytesToRead);
return rxBuffer;
How do I get the string out of the timeout task?
string rxBuffer = await task1