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Lightning Input field's value is undefined, even if it has value

Component :

<aura:if isTrue="{!v.internal}">
                <lightning:layoutItem size="6" padding="horizontal-small">
                    <lightning:inputField fieldName="To__c" class = "customRequired" value = "{!v.mailTo}" required="true"/>
            <aura:if isTrue="{!v.external}">
                <lightning:layoutItem size="6" padding="horizontal-small">
                    <lightning:inputField fieldName="ToExternal__c" class = "customRequired" value = "{!v.mailExtTo}" required="true"/>

Helper :

var toMail = component.get("v.mailTo");
var toExtMail = component.get("v.mailExtTo");

Why is it coming undefined, even if I populate some value in the form?


  • It's hard to know what the problem is without the entire component code. Do you have 'aura:attribute' tags for these fields? If you don't then I believe using component.get("v.mailTo"); will not work as it is attempting to get an attribute that just doesn't exist. To get the value of the input field directly you could try adding the aura:id="someId" attribute to the <lightning:inputfield/> tags and then access them this way: var toMail = component.find("someId").get("v.value"); so you could try that out.