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The clear_session() method of keras.backend does not clean up the fitting data

I am working on a comparison of the fitting accuracy results for the different types of data quality. A "good data" is the data without any NA in the feature values. A "bad data" is the data with NA in the feature values. A "bad data" should be fixed by some value correction. As a value correction, it might be replacing NA with zero or mean value.

In my code, I am trying to perform multiple fitting procedures.

Review the simplified code:

from keras import backend as K

xTrainGood = ... # the good version of the xTrain data 

xTrainBad = ... #  the bad version of the xTrain data


model = Sequential()



historyGood =, xTrainGood, ...) # fitting the model with 
                                              # the original data without
                                              # NA, zeroes, or the feature mean values

Review the fitting accuracy plot, based on historyGood data:

enter image description here

After that, the code resets a stored the model and re-train the model with the "bad" data:


historyBad =, xTrainBad, ...)

Review the fitting process results, based on historyBad data:

enter image description here

As one can notice, the initial accuracy > 0.7, which means the model "remembers" previous fitting.

For the comparison, this is the standalone fitting results of "bad" data:

enter image description here

How to reset the model to the "initial" state?


  • K.clear_session() isn't enough to reset states and ensure reproducibility. You'll also need to:

    • Set (& reset) random seeds
    • Reset TensorFlow default graph
    • Delete previous model

    Code accomplishing each below.

    model = make_model() # example function to instantiate model, y_good)
    del model
    model = make_model(), y_bad)

    Note that if other variables reference the model, you should del them also - e.g. model = make_model(); model2 = model --> del model, model2 - else they may persist. Lastly, tf random seeds aren't as easily reset as random's or numpy's, and require the graph to be cleared beforehand.

    Function/modules used:

    import tensorflow as tf
    import numpy as np
    import random
    import keras.backend as K
    def reset_seeds():
        if tf.__version__[0] == '2':
        print("RANDOM SEEDS RESET")