I want to receive data from ajax, but I got "None" as my variable
class update(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/update', update)
], debug=True)
data= 3;
url: "/update",
data: data, //data=3
type: "POST",
success: function( xml ) {
alert( "It worked!" );
i got: ('data', '') as result when i expected: "data '3'"
Edit: if possible, please keep the answer to just one line: like: print("data",self.request.POST.get('data'))
Thanks to Beniamin H,the solution is simple.
data= {
'a':3 // I changed data to a dictionary
// edit:you don't need quotes for a, so, a:3 works also
url: "/update",
data: data,
type: "POST",
success: function( xml ) { //more edit:xml is the data returned
alert( "It worked!" ); //from the webbapp you can name it what
//ever you want
//this gets data from the server
console.log(xml['a']) //prints out 3
class update(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
print("data: "+data)
#edit: to return a data to javascript, make a dictionary like:
# data={
# 'a':3
# 'b':5 #you need quotes i think
# }
#and then write:
# self.response.write(data)
This prints out: data: 3