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Javascript inheritance : How prototype chain works between native prototypes

As we know everything in Javascript inherits from Object:


So if I create an object using constructor function like below:

function Rabbit() {
  this.color = 'White'

let obj = new Rabbit();

alert(Rabbit.__proto__ === Function.prototype)       //true
alert(obj.__proto__ === Rabbit.prototype)            //true       
alert(obj.__proto__.__proto__ === Object.prototype)  //true

alert(Function.__proto__ === Object.prototype)  //false
alert(Object.getPrototypeOf(Function) === Object.getPrototypeOf(Object))  //true

The first 3 results make sense because obj inherits from Rabbit function which itself inherits from Function. But if Function inherits from Object then why is the 4th result False. Also why do both Object and Function have same prototype (last result)?

Can someone explain this behavior. Am i missing something here?


  • Problems like this are better explained with images (like the one in your question):

    enter image description here

       blue color = objects
       {} = simple object (+constructor name)
       Ⓟ = prototype object (+constructor name)
       magenta color = functions (ƒ + function name)

    Basically, the __proto__ chain for functions is:

    concrete function (e.g. Rabbit, Object or Function itself) 
    -> abstract function (aka Function.prototype) 
    -> Object.prototype 
    -> null