My code looks like this;
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()))
var result = cnn.QuerySingle(sql, parameters);
return result;
Its inside a method inside a class but that shouldn't matter. QuerySingle is said to return a dynamic type, but I have never worked with this before. When I debug this code, what it returns is something like this;
{{DapperRow, Tcode = 'eeeee', Hashedpw = 'NF886jMDl5imyMj0ThDIxA==', Salt = 'Z+HHq6Rt60FPnAf80Lg4Dg=='}}
How should I read this? Are they key-value pairs because the logic behind that doesn't work, it doesn't work like a list or an array. Im completly lost and have no idea what this returns. I only need the values, not the dapperrow, tcode, hashedpw and salt. So bassicly, the return I would need is
['eeeee', 'NF886jMDl5imyMj0ThDIxA==','Z+HHq6Rt60FPnAf80Lg4Dg==']
Can anyone help me out?
Currently you are using weak typed QuerySingle()
, which will always return key value pair result. If you want to retrieve only values you should use strongly typed QuerySingle()
like this.
var result= connection.QuerySingle<TYPE>(sql, parameters);
EDIT: If i got you right
you can define class for example
public class SomeClass
public string Salt {get;set;}
public string TCode {get;set;}
public string Hashedpw {get;set;}
And you can use this in the code like this QuerySingle<SomeClass>
if you are returning multiple result in that case obviously you have to use like this QuerySingle<List<SomeClass>>()
Hope this will help you.