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Java Rectangle class area/perimeter outputting 0

When I get run my, I can get the inputted length and width in the Rectangle, but when I attempt to calculate the area/perimeter with a getter I get a zero as the result

I attempted to add and remove the setters, put in the getter/setter methods within the getArea and getPerimeter, but nothing seems to work

//Code provided by the teacher as a template 
Rectangle temp = new Rectangle();

        //Consider how your rectangle will change after setting the length and width to specific values.


        Rectangle r = new Rectangle(3.5,2);

//My Class

public class Rectangle 
    private static double length;
    private static double width;
    private static double perimeter;
    private static double area;

    public Rectangle(double length, double width)

    public Rectangle()


    public static double getLength() 
        return length;
    public static void setLength(double length) 
        Rectangle.length = length;
    public static double getWidth() 
        return width;
    public static void setWidth(double width)
        Rectangle.width = width;
    public static double getPerimeter(double length, double width) 
        return 2*width+2*length;

    public static double getArea(double length, double width) 
        area= getLength()*getWidth();
        return length*width;

    public static String print() 
        String Rectangle = new String();
        System.out.println("This rectangle has a length of "+length+" and a width of "+width);
        System.out.println("The area of the rectangle is: "+ area);
        System.out.println("The perimeter of the rectangle is: "+ perimeter);
        return Rectangle;


No error messages.


This rectangle has a length of 0.0 and a width of 0.0 The area of the rectangle is: 0.0 The perimeter of the rectangle is: 0.0

This rectangle has a length of 2.5 and a width of 3.0 The area of the rectangle is: 0.0 The perimeter of the rectangle is: 0.0

This rectangle has a length of 3.5 and a width of 2.0 The area of the rectangle is: 0.0 The perimeter of the rectangle is: 0.0


  • You need to change the print method and call perimeter and area method so that those variables get the required values

     public static String print() 
        String Rectangle = new String();
        System.out.println("This rectangle has a length of "+length+" and a width of "+width);
        System.out.println("The area of the rectangle is: "+ area);
        System.out.println("The perimeter of the rectangle is: "+ perimeter);
        return Rectangle;

    I would suggest not to use static key words as the values will not be bound to the object