I ran across the need for this answer when attempting to try:
This doesn't work, because it thinks I'm trying to cast the string return value from .ToString("D2")
Of course it's easy enough to do:
var myInt = (int)myEnum;
BUT, I want to know if a one line solution exists so that I can use this in a lambda i.e.
// Assuming this worked how I wanted it to
myEnums.Select(myEnum => (int)myEnum.ToString("D2"))
Goal here is to transform my IEnumerable of myEnum into left zero-padded ints
You have to add another pair of parentheses:
var x = ((int)myEnum).ToString("D2");
i. e. your linq query would look like this:
var x = myEnums.Select(myEnum => ((int)myEnum).ToString("D2"));