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How do I let a bot send a GIF via Giphy API correctly?

So, I was trying to make a code that makes the bot sending GIFs, but I totally had no idea that what is the actual solution for the bot to not make errors.

Currently hosting my bot on Glitch using hello-express, and using Discord.js to code the thing.

const GphApiClient = require("giphy-js-sdk-core");
var giphy = GphApiClient(process.env.GIPHYTOKEN);

client.on("message", async message => {
  if (message.content.startsWith(`${prefix}gif`)) {"gifs", { q: "fail" })
      .then(response => {
        var totalResponses =;
        var responseIndex = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) % totalResponses;
        var responseFinal =[responseIndex]{
          files: [responseFinal.images.fixed_height.url]

And then there you go console log tells me something interesting:

TypeError: GphApiClient is not a function


  • Change var giphy = GphApiClient(process.env.GIPHYTOKEN); to var giphy = GphApiClient + giphyToken;, and make sure giphyToken is set to your Giphy Token.