I have a userform with textboxes, and some of those are supposed to contain integers. I found somewhere on the internet (I think on this site) this IsInteger function which I have stored in a module just for functions:
Function IsInteger()
If IsNumeric(testsubject) Then
If testsubject - Int(testsubject) <> 0 Then
integerYes = True
Else: integerYes = False
End If
End If
End Function
The following code block relates to one of the userform textboxes:
Private Sub IB_LoanTermYears_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
'Data validation
If Me.IB_LoanTermYears.Value = "" Then
ElseIf IsNumeric(Me.IB_LoanTermYears.Value) = False Then
blahAnswer = MsgBox("Please enter a valid number.", , "Invalid Entry")
ElseIf IsInteger(Me.IB_LoanTermYears.Value) = False Then
blahAnswer = MsgBox("Please enter a whole number.", , "Invalid Entry")
ElseIf Me.IB_LoanTermYears.Value < 0 Then
blahanswer MsgBox("Please enter a positive number.", , "Invalid Entry")
End If
End Sub
When I exit the textbox, I get a runtime error 13 with ElseIf IsInteger(Me.IB_LoanTermYears.Value) = False Then
highlighted. What gives? I saw a very similar post that concluded that other empty textboxes were messing things up, but I don't see how that can affect this textbox as they're not linked in any way except that they're in the same userform.
Make sure the Fuction accepts inputs and the output is Boolean.
Since the default of a Boolean is FALSE we only need to change to True
Function IsInteger(testsubject As Variant) As Boolean
If IsNumeric(testsubject) Then
IsInteger = (testsubject - CInt(testsubject) = 0)
End If
End Function