I am new to Java and struts and I am working on a project where I need to set the value of an attribute from a custom tag which retrieve the value of a Java property.
<cust:urlGeneration porlet="<cust:write property="tgtPortlet"/>">
<a href="<% wsp.write(out) %>"/>the link</a>
This property is set in a Java class depending on the context. This code is in my corresponding java class :
screenbean.setTgtPortlet = "portlet.myFirstValue";
screenbean.setTgtPortlet = "portlet.mySecondValue";
But it does not work, the portlet attribute is not set correctly (the tag string is not interpreted).
I want the porlet
property to be set either with portlet.myFirstValue
or portlet.mySecondValue
but I do not manage to dynamically set it...
Do I need to escape something or is it simply not possible ? Otherwise anyone has suggestion or alternative solution ?
I can provide any additional information if needed.
If it can help anyone, I found a workaround using JSLT :
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" %>
I set an intermediate variable with the value of my java class property using my "write" custom tag (Business requirement) :
<c:set var="varTgtValue"><cust:write property="tgtValue"/></c:set>
Then simply use this new variable to set my JSP tag's property using ${myVar} :
<cust:urlGeneration porlet="${varTgtValue}">
<a href="<% wsp.write(out) %>"/>the link</a>