$table = new Zend_Db_Table(array('name'=>'rules'));
$select = $table->select();
$select = $select
echo "select: ".$select->__toString();
$row = $table->fetchAll();
I have the preceding code,but when I try fetchAll() it returns all rows in the table, ignoring the where clause, when I use fetchRow() it returns the first row it finds, ignoring the where clause, I printed the SQL statement and run it separately and it executes correctly any clue ?
@ArtWorkAD is right in a certain way. But in your case you're not just using a Zend_Db_Select. You tried to extend a Zend_Db_Select obtained from a Zend_Db_Table (well, you should try to handle a Singleton pattern with Zend_Db_Table but this is another problem). Your current problem (if we except the fact you are certainly reading documentation too fast) is that this line was correct:
It make your 'select-from-a-zend-db-table' not anymore restricted to the Active Record Mode, and available for extra joins.
But just after that you make a:
$select = new Zend_Db_Select($table);
This is the complete creation of a new object, that you put into your variable. Nothing is kept from previous variable value. You could add a $select=null;
just before it would be the same. So this is just canceling the 3 previous lines.
In quite the same confusion mode this line:
Is not necessary as you're already taking the select from a Zend_Db_Table so the table is already there.
EDIT And your last and bigger error is:
You do not use your built $select
but your $table
, so effectively everything done in your $select is ignored :-) . Fecthing from the $select
shoudl give you better results