I am trying to pass some random integers (which I have stored in an array) to my hardware as an Input through the poke method in peekpoketester. But I am getting this error:
chisel3.internal.ChiselException: Error: Not in a UserModule. Likely cause: Missed Module() wrap, bare chisel API call, or attempting to construct hardware inside a BlackBox.
What could be the reason? I don't think I need a module wrap here as this is not hardware.
class TesterSimple (dut: DeviceUnderTest)(parameter1 : Int)(parameter2 : Int) extends
PeekPokeTester (dut) {
var x = Array[Int](parameter1)
var y = Array[Int](parameter2)
var z = 1
poke(dut.io.IP1, z.asUInt)
for(i <- 0 until parameter1){poke(dut.io.IP2(i), x(i).asUInt)}
for(j <- 0 until parameter2){poke(dut.io.IP3(j), y(j).asUInt)}
object TesterSimple extends App {
implicit val parameter1 = 2
implicit val parameter2 = 2
chisel3.iotesters.Driver (() => DeviceUnderTest(parameter1 :Int, parameter2 :Int)) { c =>
new TesterSimple (c)(parameter1, parameter2)}
I'd suggest a couple of things.
or Array.tabulate
to create and initialize arrays val rand = scala.util.Random
var x = Array.fill(parameter1)(rand.nextInt(100))
var y = Array.fill(parameter2)(rand.nextInt(100))
in the poke
, it accepts Int
s or BigInt
instead of .asUInt
, the latter is a way of casting other chisel types, it does work but it a backward compatibility thing.class DutName(val parameter1: Int, val parameter2: Int)
or class DutName(val parameter1: Int)(val parameter2: Int)
if you prefer.
for(i <- 0 until dut.parameter1){poke(dut.io.IP2(i), x(i))}
Good luck!