At this moment, I drag my game-object across the screen; however, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to have my game-object snap to pre-existing game-object in my scene. How do I have my game-object snapped to another object during run time once it is instantiated?
public class DragObject : MonoBehaviour
private Vector3 mOffset;
private float mZCoord;
void OnMouseDown()
mZCoord = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(
mOffset = gameObject.transform.position - GetMouseAsWorldPoint();
private Vector3 GetMouseAsWorldPoint()
Vector3 mousePoint = Input.mousePosition;
mousePoint.z = mZCoord;
return Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePoint);
void OnMouseDrag()
transform.position = GetMouseAsWorldPoint() + mOffset;
public class LoadAssets : MonoBehaviour
bool isCreated = false;
bool isCreatedDrillbit = false;
public void LoadBOP()
if (!isCreated)
GameObject instance = Instantiate(Resources.Load("BOP", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
isCreated = true;
public void LoadDrillBit()
if (!isCreatedDrillbit)
GameObject instance = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Drillbit", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
isCreatedDrillbit = true;
Write a script that checks the position of some other object, and if it's close enough, make it a child of itself and set its local position and rotation to be the default. Also, disable the dragging script:
public class SnapToMe : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject target = null;
public float snapDistance = 1f;
void FixedUpdate()
if (target==null) return;
if ( Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.transform.position) <= snapDistance) )
target.transform.parent = transform;
target.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
target.transform.localPosition =;
target.GetComponent<DragObject>().enabled = false;
On the object you'd like to do the snapping, add a child object where the snapping should occur, and attach the snapping script to it:
└── Bottle snap point
└── SnapToMe
Then when you create the cap, tell the snap point about it:
Gameobject newCap = Instantiate(...);
Gameobject bottleSnapPoint = GameObject.Find(
"Bottle snap point"); // or some other way to get a reference to the snap point
SnapToMe snapper = bottleSnapPoint.GetComponent<SnapToMe>(); = newCap;
snapper.snapDistance = 2f; //whatever is appropriate