I have successfully been able to navigate to a webpage and get logged in but I am getting hung up on identifying the proper elements to follow clickable links. I ultimately would like to navigate to a specific location on a website and use excel to automate data entry from an excel file into an input box on the webpage.
I initially just tried opening the page needed directly but am prompted with user login which ultimately opens to the default home page. I have tried to identify the HTML page elements to follow the clickable path but I'm not sure how specific I need to be or how far up the hierarchy I need to define. I have tried the following:
This is the code that I have so far:
Sub Test()
Dim IE As Object
Dim doc As HTMLDocument
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.Navigate "https://iuctsi-oncore-prod.forteresearchapps.com/smrs/AdhocReportControlServlet"
Do While IE.Busy Or IE.ReadyState <> 4
Set doc = IE.Document
doc.getElementById("username").Value = "Username"
doc.getElementById("password").Value = "Password"
Set ul = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("ul")
If li.class = "ui-sortable-handle" And role = "presentation" Then
Set link = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("a")
For Each li In link
If li.className = "top-level-menu-link" And li.href = "https://iuctsi-oncore-prod.forteresearchapps.com/smrs/AdhocReportControlServlet?hdn_function=SPECIMEN_SEARCH&hdn_function_type=REPORT_SEARCH" Then
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
I thought it would suffice to just define the classname "top-level-menu-link" and the href but there are also ul id="nav", li class ="nav iu-sortable" and role ="Presentation" elements above. I'm obviously inexperienced with this stuff but am trying to learn to save my sanity from nonstop monotonous data entry.
<a class="brand" href="/smrs/SMRSHomePageServlet?hdn_function=WELCOME">
<img src="/smrs/images/menu/menu_logo.png?v=20190523144203">
<script type="application/json" id="app-menu-items">
{ & #34;data&# 34;: { & #34;key&# 34;: & #34;ROOT&# 34;,
#34;label&# 34;: & #34;Menu&# 34;,
#34;url&# 34;: null,
#34;active&# 34;: false,
#34;external&# 34;: false
}, & #34;children&# 34;: [{ & #34;data&# 34;: { & #34;key&# 34;: & #34;MY_CONSOLE_ITEM&# 34;,
#34;label&# 34;: & #34;My Console&# 34;,
#34;url&# 34;: & #34;/smrs/MyConsoleControlServlet&# 34;,
#34;active&# 34;: false,
#34;external&# 34;: false
#34;children&# 34;: []
}, { & #34;data&# 34;: { & #34;key&# 34;: & #34;PROTOCOLS_GROUP&# 34;,
#34;label&# 34;: & #34;Protocols&# 34;,
#34;url&# 34;: null,
#34;active&# 34;: false,
#34;external&# 34;: false
#34;children&# 34;: [{ & #34;data&# 34;: { & #34;key&# 34;: & #34;DOCUMENT_SEARCH_ITEM&# 34;,
#34;label&# 34;: & #34;Document Search&# 34;,
#34;url&# 34;: & #34;/smrs/SMRSControlServlet?hdn_function= DOCUMENT_SEARCH & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;PC_CONSOLE_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;PC Console & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/SMRSControlServlet ? hdn_function = PROTOCOL_INQUIRY & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;PROTOCOL_SEARCH_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Protocol Search & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/SMRSControlServlet ? hdn_function = PROTOCOL_SEARCH & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;PROTOCOL_SEARCH_LAST_RESULTS & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Protocol Search - Last Results & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/PRBrowseServlet ? hdn_function = PROTOCOL_SEARCH_LAST_RESULTS & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]}]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;REPORTS_GROUP & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Reports & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:null,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;REPORTS_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Reports & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/SMRSControlServlet ? hdn_function = PL_REPORTS_MAINTAIN & amp;hdn_PRIVILEGE_ID,
FUNCTION_GROUP_type = REPORTS & amp;on_success = /plinks/jsp / pl_report_browse.jsp & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]}]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SPECIMENS_GROUP & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Specimens & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:null,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;BSM_DASHBOARD_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;BSM Dashboard & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/BSMSReportsControlServlet ? hdn_function = BSM_DASHBOARD & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SPECIMEN_BULK_MOVE_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Specimen Bulk Move & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/BSMSSpecimenCollectionControlServlet ? hdn_function = BULK_MOVE & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SPECIMEN_COLLECTION_CONSOLE_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Specimen Collection Console & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/BSMSSpecimenCollectionControlServlet ? hdn_function = SPECIMEN_COLLECTION & amp;hdn_function_type = INQUIRY & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SPECIMEN_CUSTOM_REPORT_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Specimen Custom Report & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/AdhocReportControlServlet ? hdn_function = SPECIMEN_SEARCH & amp;hdn_function_type = REPORT_SEARCH & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SPECIMEN_DATA_ENTRY_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Specimen Data Entry & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/BSMSpecimenEntryControlServlet ? hdn_function = SPECIMEN_COLLECTION & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SPECIMEN_IMPORT_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Specimen Import & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/BSMSpecimenUploadServlet ? hdn_function = SPECIMEN_IMPORT & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SPECIMEN_REQUEST_CONSOLE_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Specimen Request Console & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/BSMSpecimenRequestControlServlet ? hdn_function = REQUEST_LIST & amp;default_list = Y & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;STORAGE_BROWSE_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Storage Browse & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/bsmStorage / browse /
default.do & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;WORKING_LISTS_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Working Lists & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/BSMSSpecimenCollectionControlServlet ? hdn_function = WORKING_LISTS & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]}]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SUBJECTS_GROUP & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Subjects & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:null,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;CRA_CONSOLE_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;CRA Console & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/SMRSControlServlet ? hdn_function = CRA_CONSOLE & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SUBJECT_CONSOLE_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Subject Console & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/SMRSControlServlet ? hdn_function = SUBJECT_CONSOLE & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SUBJECT_SEARCH_ITEM & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Subject Search & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/SMRSControlServlet ? hdn_function = SUBJECT_INQUIRY & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]},{&# 34;data & #34;:{&# 34;key & #34;:&# 34;SUBJECT_SEARCH_LAST_RESULTS & #34;,&# 34;label & #34;:&# 34;Subject Search - Last Results & #34;,&# 34;url & #34;:&# 34;
/smrs/SubjectBrowseServlet ? hdn_function = SUBJECT_SEARCH_LAST_RESULTS & #34;,&# 34;active & #34;:false,&# 34;external & #34;:false},&# 34;children & #34;:[]}]}]}
<script type="application/json" id="user-favorite-keys">
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``` ***Target destination is this line****
<li role="presentation" class="ui-sortable-handle"><a class="top-level-menu-link" href="/smrs/AdhocReportControlServlet?hdn_function=SPECIMEN_SEARCH&hdn_function_type=REPORT_SEARCH">Specimen Custom Report</a></li>
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<li role="presentation" class="ui-sortable-handle"><a class="top-level-menu-link" href="/smrs/BSMSpecimenUploadServlet?hdn_function=SPECIMEN_IMPORT">Specimen Import</a></li>
I have modified my code with the following changes recommended by the commentors below:
Sub Test()
Dim IE As Object
Dim doc As Object
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.navigate "https://iuctsi-oncore-prod.forteresearchapps.com/smrs/AdhocReportControlServlet"
Call ReadyWaitingLoop(IE)
Set doc = IE.document
Dim userEle As Object, pwEle As Object, submitBtn As Object, frm As Object
Set frm = doc.getElementsByClassName("login-form")(0)
Set userEle = doc.getElementById("username")
userEle.Value = "username" ' ## MODIFY to use a real username
Set submitBtn = doc.getElementById("submitBtn")
frm.submit ' or submitBtn.Click -- not sure which is needed, both seem to work as tested
Call ReadyWaitingLoop(IE)
Set pwEle = doc.getElementById("password")
Set submitBtn = doc.getElementById("submitBtn") '## maybe case-sensitive
pwEle.Value = "password" ' ## MODIFY to use a real password
submitBtn.Click '-- not sure which is needed, both seem to work as tested frm.submit ' or
Call ReadyWaitingLoop(IE)
While IE.Busy Or IE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend
While IE.Busy Or IE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend
While IE.Busy Or IE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend
IE.document.querySelector("[href$=CustomReportGroup_Mine_IUGBQCChecks").Click '----This reference does not seem to work. The original element is:<a id="groupHead_3" href="javascript:showhide(3,'CustomReportGroup_Mine_IUGBQCChecks' );">[-]</a>
While IE.Busy Or IE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend
While IE.Busy Or IE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend
IE.document.querySelector("[href$=Copy of Hemoglobin QC_CO").Click
While IE.Busy Or IE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend
' Rest of your code...
End Sub
Sub ReadyWaitingLoop(IE As Object)
Do While IE.Busy Or IE.readyState <> 4
End Sub
Try working off IE.document after ensuring proper page load wait after prior click then avoid loop and use css attribute = value selector
While ie.Busy Or ie.ReadyState<>4:DoEvents:Wend
While ie.Busy Or ie.ReadyState<>4:DoEvents:Wend