I am working in a Dropwizard app. At the moment, with dropwizard some metrics are included in the /admin
So, if you set @Timed
to your controller, it will automatically appear there.
The problem is when want to add custom metrics.
I checked this documentation:
So I created my own registry and added my own timer.
I see it in the console reporter, working quite well.
The problem is that I dont see it as part of the /admin, is it possible to add it into one single Metrics
I did something like this
on the constructor:
static final MetricRegistry metrics = new MetricRegistry();
Meter requests = metrics.meter("requests");
and at my controller:
Like I said, it works and I see it reflected in my console reporter, but I am not able to see it at /admin
or viceversa (at the console I only see that metric, like if is a different registry.
The application has its own MetricRegistry
, that you can access via environment.metrics()
. You have to register you timer in that register.