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Robin Herbots jquery.inputmask allow many values comma separated

I have this setup and it works nice:

$('#PhoneNumber').inputmask({ mask: "89999999999", placeholder: "" });

It allows typing phone numbers starting with "8". But now I would like it to accept many such phone numbers delimited by a comma.

81234567890               -- rorrect
81234567890, 80987654321  -- rorrect
81234567890,80987654321   -- rorrect
81234567890,              -- not correct
81234567890,,             -- not correct
81234567890, 80987654321, -- not correct

             ...and so on...

This is the plugin I used.


  • You can use the regex mode with the expression ^[0-9]{8}([,.][0-9]{8})+$:

      regex: "^[0-9]{8}([,.][0-9]{8})+$",
      placeholder: ""
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <input id="phoneNumbers">