I use a commandLink to navigate to another page:
<t:commandLink action="go_orderForm" immediate="true">
<h:outputText value="#{order.number}" />
<t:updateActionListener property="#{orderForm.orderId}"
value="#{order.id}" />
This is working and setting the value of order.id
to the backing bean orderForm.orderId
In another place, I use a commandButton to call an action in the backing bean of the current page and navigate after to the new page:
<h:commandButton value="Create Batch" action="#{orderList.createBatchOrder}" />
The action in the backing bean looks like:
public String createBatchOrder() {
// do something
return "go_orderForm";
The faces-config.xml
How can I pass the parameter for orderForm.orderId
when I navigate using the action in the backing bean?
Before redirect put your parameter to flash:
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getFlash().put(key, value);
After redirect you may get it by: