I have Joi schema and want to add a custom validator for validating data which isn't possible with default Joi validators.
Currently, I'm using the version 16.1.7 of Joi
const method = (value, helpers) => {
// for example if the username value is (something) then it will throw an
// error with the following message but it throws an error inside (value)
// object without error message. It should throw error inside the (error)
// object with a proper error message
if (value === "something") {
return new Error("something is not allowed as username");
return value; // Return the value unchanged
const createProfileSchema = Joi.object().keys({
username: Joi.string()
.custom(method, "custom validation")
const { error, value } = createProfileSchema.validate({
username: "something"
console.log(value); // returns {username: Error}
console.log(error); // returns undefined
But I couldn't implement it the right way. I read Joi documents but it seems a little bit confusing to me. Can anyone help me to figure it out?
Your custom method must be like this:
const method = (value, helpers) => {
// for example if the username value is (something) then it will throw an
// error with the following message but it throws an error inside (value)
// object without error message. It should throw error inside the (error)
// object with a proper error message
if (value === "something") {
return helpers.error("any.invalid");
return value; // Return the value unchanged
Output for value :
{ username: 'something' }
Output for error:
[Error [ValidationError]: "username" contains an invalid value] {
_original: { username: 'something' },
details: [
message: '"username" contains an invalid value',
path: [Array],
type: 'any.invalid',
context: [Object]