I want instrument for automatic generate openapi in my helidon project (Java 1.8, helidon SE 1.3.1)
I read documenttation/example and make:
return Routing.builder()
.register(health) // Health at "/health"
.register(metrics) // Metrics at "/metrics"
.register("/file", fileService)
.register("/card", cardService)
filter: ru.ittest.feezio.openapi.SimpleAPIFilter
reader: ru.ittest.feezio.openapi.SimpleAPIModelReader
Now I have openapi document in endpoint: And it is my openapi.yml. But I don't want write by hand openapi.yml, I want auto generate yml for my classes: fileService and cardService. This classes work and response success (API work, I make documentation now)
As the OP noted, Helidon SE cannot automatically generate the OpenAPI document for your app. You provide either a static openapi.yml
file or your own model reader and/or filter classes. You can provide the static file and the classes if you want to but that is not required. For other interested readers here's the doc.
Probably most developers who want OpenAPI support in their Helidon SE app will use a tool to define their API and then export the OpenAPI document from the tool, adding that YAML file to their application JAR (typically at META-INF/openapi.yml
Note that if you use Helidon MP (which implements MicroProfile OpenAPI) and add the normal JAX-RS annotations to your endpoints, then Helidon MP can generate the OpenAPI document for you automatically. Here's the doc for that.