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How to update cell value in Excel table using VBA and Match function?

not a VBA pro here, but doing my best...

The goal is to create a Macro that updates a cell value in a table based on the table row variable from Application.Match function, which I am also struggling with. Here's what I have so far and where I'm lost (also commented into the code).

  1. I can't seem to get the match function to set my TargetRw variable to the matched row in the table. As it is currently i'm getting 'Type Mismatch', but I've attempted several different configurations and received a variety of different errors.

  2. If i can get the match to work, I'd like to be able to set the cell value of the TargetRw and table Column "Reviewed Rate" = to the value held in the 'Rate' variable. I haven't been able to find much online regarding how to reference a table range like this in order update a cell value.

    Sub ReviewTracker()
    Dim Acell As Variant
    Dim TargetRw As Long
    Dim Rate As Variant
    Dim MACMtable, RCtable, TargetTable As ListObject
    Dim LUTables As Worksheet
        Set LUTables = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("LookupTables")
        Set MACMtable = LUTables.ListObjects("MACM_Lookup")
        Set RCtable = LUTables.ListObjects("RC_Lookup")
        Asht = ActiveSheet.Name
        Acell = ActiveCell.Value
        Rate = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -3).Value
        If Asht = "Rate Codes" Then
        Set TargetTable = RCtable
        If Asht = "MACMs" Then
        Set TargetTable = MACMtable
        End If
            End If
        ***''' Can't get the TargetRw variable below to work... Type Missmatch'''***
        TargetRw = Application.Match(Acell, TargetTable.ListColumns(1), 0)
        With TargetTable
            ******'''I am trying to figure out how to set the cell corresponding to the row: TargetRw & Column 6 (name: "Reviewed Rate") to the value of the variable 'Rate'******
        .DataBodyRange.Cells(TargetRw, 6) = Rate.Value '''This doesn't seem to work, but hopefully illustrates the goal'''
        End With

    End Sub

There are 2 tables on a single worksheet (variable: 'LUTables'). One or the other would be updated depending on the activesheet at the time the Macro was initiated. Both have a column named "Reviewed Rate", which is also the 6th column in each table.

Any assistance would be very much appreciated!


  • TargetTable.ListColumns(1)

    should be


    A ListColumn is not the same thing as a Range


    Sub ReviewTracker()
        Dim Acell As Variant, Asht As String
        Dim TargetRw As Variant '***
        Dim Rate As Variant
        Dim TargetTable As ListObject
        Dim LUTables As Worksheet
        Set LUTables = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("LookupTables")
        Asht = ActiveSheet.Name
        Acell = ActiveCell.Value
        Rate = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -3).Value
        If Asht = "Rate Codes" Then
            Set TargetTable = LUTables.ListObjects("RC_Lookup")
        ElseIf Asht = "MACMs" Then
            Set TargetTable = LUTables.ListObjects("MACM_Lookup")
        End If
        TargetRw = Application.Match(Acell, TargetTable.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange, 0)
        If Not IsError(TargetRw) Then
            TargetTable.DataBodyRange.Cells(TargetRw, 6) = Rate '### no .Value
        End If
    End Sub