I have three tables where i am trying to join them and get their sum from two tables and add the two sum from tables.
Here i have a SQL Fiddle for the structure of my Query: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!9/cb00bc/3/0
I want the output something like this:
emp_id firstname middlename lastname name_ext SUM(amount_paid) SUM(salary_paid) SUM(total)
1 test test test test 300 500 800
Here's your query. a subquery with the totals group by employee id will be joined by your tables.
SELECT DISTINCT tbl_user.firstname,
FROM tbl_user
INNER JOIN tbl_salary ON tbl_user.employee_id = tbl_salary.employee_id
LEFT JOIN tbl_overtime ON tbl_overtime.employee_id = tbl_salary.employee_id
left join
(select t1.employee_id
, SUM(coalesce(t2.amount_paid, 0)) as amount_paid
, SUM(coalesce(t1.salary_paid, 0)) as salary_paid
, SUM(coalesce(t2.amount_paid, 0)) + SUM(coalesce(t1.salary_paid, 0)) as total
from tbl_salary t1
left join tbl_overtime t2 on t2.employee_id = t1.employee_id
group by t1.employee_id) as t3 on t3.employee_id = tbl_user.employee_id