I'm having trouble trying to run a VLOOKUP
query in Google Sheets. I'm trying to see if a value already exists in a given column. However, I need to sanitize the inputs since the provided numbers have 9 digits, and the inputs have 12. For example,
I get the needed value from the input using the RIGHT
Function taking the last 9 values
Then run the VLOOKUP
The result in get in Cell D1 is:
N/A. The error I get is "Did not find 123456789 in the VLOOKUP evaluation"
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here since this formula works correctly in Excel.
the issue is that RIGHT
converts number to text string
the solution is:
=VLOOKUP(C1*1, A1, 1, 0)
and here you can see what's going on:
or directly:
=VLOOKUP(RIGHT(B1, 9)*1, A1, 1, 0)
but if you just want to check if partial number is present in full number you can do:
and ArrayFormula of that would be: