Is it possible to print parts of the document in a filter and then move on to select further down and print more later?
Here is pseudo code for what I want.
select(.some.more.depth=="here") | tee .version | .some.more.depth
This would output
I know, that in this case, it would work with .version, .some.more.depth
but in a more complex case it's more about working down the document while printing parts along the way.
Not just in this case, in any case. That's what the comma operator does, and what it's for. It runs two expressions in the same context and produces all of the outputs of both. Remember that you can always use parentheses, so it's legit to do things like
.a.b.c | (.d, .e.f | (.g, .h))
to produce .a.b.c.d
, .a.b.c.e.f.g
, and .a.b.c.e.f.h